Essential Question: How can I use a number line to add and subtract integers?
Vocabulary: integer, positive number, negative number, number line
Skills: use a numberline to add integersStandard:
Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram.
-4 +9
3+ -6
7+ -11
Essential Question: How can I use algebra to solve multi step equations?
Vocabulary: coeficient, equation, variable,
Skills: combine like terms, solve equationsHomework:
Combine the like terms
1.) 3x -4c + -2x -9c + 12 + -8x
2.) 3x(-3 + 9) + -9x - 14 + -3c + 4x - 2
3.) -12c + 9x - 2(-3x -4c) + 12 -14c
wheel of fortune
8th Computer Lab Day 4/30
Select any 15 problems your recognize from the test that challenged you: CRCT PRACTICE
-write the page number, question number and answer
Homework: solve for y
1.) 3x -2y =19
2.) 5y +3x =25
3.) 6x -4y = -24
Then, free play!
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